StableBit DrivePool Balancing Plugin - SSD Optimizer ==================================================== Author: Covecube Inc. With this plug-in you designate one or more disks as special SSD disks. SSD disks will receive all new files created on the pool. It will be the balancer's job to move all the files from the SSD disks to the Archive disks in the background. You can use this plug-in to create a kind of write cache in order to improve write performance on the pool. Optionally, you can also set up a file placement order for your archive disks, so that they will be filled up one at a time. * This plug-in replaces the "Archive Optimizer" and should not be used together with it or the "Ordered File Placement" plug-in. * Any time the SSD designated disks will have data on them your pool condition will be below 100% because those files have been scheduled to be moved off of those disks on the next balancing run. This is normal. * If you are using duplicated files, then you should specify multiple SDD disks or else the system will fall back to an Archive disk for one or more of the file parts. * If you've selected the option to "Move the existing files into the predefined order on the archive disks" and you have duplicated files, it may take more than one balancing pass to get everything organized. * Because this plug-in is very specialized, it should generally be used by itself. * If you've created file placement rules that are attempting to keep files on drives that are designated as SSDs, then you should disable the "Unless a drive is being emptied" option, under the "File placement settings" category, on the "General" tab. Otherwise, your File Placement rules will not be respected by this plugin (because it is emptying the SSD drives). Change Log ========== -------- * [Issue #27665] Improved drag and drop support for the disk lists. -------- * Increased the maximum possible values of "or this much free space" for archive drives. ------- * Added additional tooltips. ------- * Rebuilt using the latest template. ------- * Fixed bad save interaction with Ordered File Placement plug-in. ------- * Initial release.